Well folks, a year has come and gone and what a year it's been. My last update was back at the end of April, almost 6 months ago. I apologize for that but Vegas hit, baseball season hit, summer hit, and now we are into fall and so much more has happened. It's been hard to find a couple of hours to be able to sit down and update. But, I'm here now, I have the time, so here goes:
My vacation to Las Vegas was amazing. It is definitely THE BEST place to celebrate a divorce and new beginnings :) I'm not going to share too much of the trip because you know how the saying goes, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" but I will tell you a few things :)
First off, my confidence level was off the charts and it all started as we got onto the plane. We found our seats and proceeded to get comfy and buckle up. For me, the moment of truth was about to surface because for the last number of years, anytime I got on a plane, I had to ask for a seat belt extender. I was too big to fit in the manufactured seat belt and required more room. The first time this happened, about 7 or 8 years ago, it was devastating. It shot any amount of self esteem I may have had out the plane window.
Well, like I said, the moment of truth was coming down as I settled myself into my seat. I grabbed the seat belt and attempted to buckle it up.....
Well, like I said, the moment of truth was coming down as I settled myself into my seat. I grabbed the seat belt and attempted to buckle it up.....
Holy crap! I was not only able to do it up, but I had to actually cinch it up to tighten it. It was incredible. Honestly. All my confidence and self esteem came flooding back in that moment. It was amazing.
The entire trip I was boasting with confidence and it felt great. Although it started with the plane ride over, a few other things happened that would have been way different had I been the heavier me:
1 - Walking, walking and more walking. Oh my goodness did we walk a lot. As one does in Vegas. But man, until you're there, you really don't realize how much you actually walk. We were there for 11 days and I'd say it was at least 3-4 hours a day of walking and then some. I ended up developing a pretty bad shin splint actually because I did most of it in flip flops. Yah, not such a smart idea.....but I pushed through! Limping and swollen and painful, but I pushed through. I don't think I would have been able to handle all the walking as the heavier me and I would have had many more side effects other than the shin splint like a sore back, sore feet, sore legs, chaffing, etc.
2 - Minimal sweating. And let me tell you, it was HOT! Of course I did sweat, especially when it reached 109 degrees Fahrenheit, which is 42.7 degrees Celsius! But I was able to wear my hair down and straightened most days without ruining it with sweat (of course bar nights don't count when you're dancing up a storm!) My hair used to always require being tied back due to how much I sweat. Not any more. It was fantastic!
3 - No chaffing!!! OMG! This has got to be one of the best things ever! When I went to Mexico and Jamaica, I chaffed so bad at my bra line and between my legs that I had a hard time walking. My skin was so raw. In fact I used to have a permanent scar at my bra line from constant chaffing during ball tournaments. This year, none. Not one single episode of chaffing during Vegas, ball or anything else. It's something you don't really think about until you have it really bad. And it just crossed my mind as I'm writing this about how I have NOT had it at all this year and it's awesome!
It was a really good trip. A really really good trip. Definitely needed and I would go back in a heartbeat :)
Now onto the summer. Ahhh, the summer. Filled with tons of baseball, which I absolutely LOVE! And tons of ICE CREAM! I honestly don't know which I love more!
Made it! |
Fam Jam picture! Love you guys! Thanks for the memories! |
Now onto the summer. Ahhh, the summer. Filled with tons of baseball, which I absolutely LOVE! And tons of ICE CREAM! I honestly don't know which I love more!
First off, baseball. With the weight loss comes a faster more efficient Shannon! Finally hit a legit home run as well as what should have been a grand slam (Long story, haha!)! As the heavier me, even if I smoked the ball I would only get a double. Now, I can not only run the bases faster, but I recover a lot faster after running those bases and I'm ready to hit the field again shortly after. It's awesome. I played on a coed team and a women's team in a coed division. My women's team kicked ass! Love all the ladies and can't wait 'till next year where I hope to be another 50lbs lighter!
And now, ice cream. Ohhhhh ice cream. You are the devil. You have been my Achilles Heel all summer long and I NEED to break up with you. Not going to lie, things have been rough for me diet wise. Band or no band, the summer is tough. Especially for someone like me who absolutely loves ice cream. I'm pretty sure I had it at least twice a week, sometimes 3-4 times a week. I would just crave it. I started with just getting a mini blizzard just to have the taste. Then it turned into a small. Then a medium. Usually half way through the medium I'd get full and bloated but I couldn't let the deliciousness that is a blizzard go to waste. Oh no, I can't do that. So I'd finish it. I'd feel incredibly full and bloated and not happy about myself. This, my friends, is a glimpse into the old Shannon. A sneak peek as to how she gained over a 100lbs in the last 10 years.
Of course ice cream wasn't my only problem. I DID NOT eat well at all over the summer. Snacking on chips and chocolate, not eating enough protein, not eating the right portion sizes, not eating s-l-o-w-l-y, not chewing my food into teenie tiny little pieces, having my food get stuck more times than I can count and having to throw up the stuck food many many times. Not good. I am NOT proud of myself. The only thing I am happy about is the fact that my weight hasn't gone up because of all of this. I seem to gain and lose the same 3-5bs every week with 220lbs being the median. I can only attribute that to my constant boot-camping. I have maintained a constant regime of going to boot camp twice a week (with a break here and there while on holidays over the summer). It has been my saving grace. I absolutely love my trainer and she pushes us when she knows we can get into a lower squat or do one more pushup. She's awesome. My girlfriend and I got headbands made especially for her:
"My trainer is trying to kill me!" |
Now although I was doing boot camp, that is all I was doing for work outs over the summer (other than baseball). My running came to a screeching halt when ball season kicked in. This was very disappointing to me but I just lost that oomph to get on the treadmill or get outside to try and run. This was also very sad as I was still gearing up to run the Dirty Donkey Mud Run in August. I had been training myself to run since the beginning of the year and it seemed once I hit my goal of being able to run 5K, I stopped. Not cool! When I got back from Vegas at the beginning of June and right before running the Dirty Donkey in August, I think I ran a total of 4 times. I was so nervous for the run and so mad at myself. I was worried I would not be able to complete it. Well, that was SOOO not the case! The run was AMAZING! Soooo much fun! I could have definitely trained better for it. Absolutely. But I was sooooo proud of myself for still pushing myself to do it and not only finishing it, but finishing it right in the middle of the pack! I finished in 489th place out of just over 900 competitors with a time of 1:02:37.
All decked out and ready to roll! |
My mom brought my Little Lady out to watch me play in the mud! |
Team Beaver Fever! |
So muddy! It was AWESOME! |
End Result |
Team Beaver Fever! |
A few other fun things happened over this summer that I would NOT have been able to do had I remained at 300lbs:
I was able to take my daughter to the fair and ride all the rides with her without fear of not being able to sit in the roller coaster car or that the safety bar wouldn't be able to lower all the way down because of my belly. We had a blast. I also bought her a trampoline this summer. The weight limit on it is 250lbs. So pumped that I'm below that weight and I'm able to jump with her in it. And not only jump with her, but be able to do so for a while without getting winded. We've had so much fun in it already! I'm so happy that I get to experience these things with her and not have to pass it along to someone else because I don't fit :)
Rylee and me sitting in the roller coaster car waiting for the ride to start. |
I also went zip lining this summer for my friend Stacey's birthday. That too had a weight restriction of 250lbs and I did not have to worry at all about not making that restriction. Just another thing that I was able to do this year that I wasn't able to do in Jamaica a few years back because I was too heavy :)
This summer has been one of the best I have had in a VERY long time. I was able to do so many things that I haven't been able to do in a long time. And feel good doing it. I still have a lot of work to do as I still want to lose 50lbs to get to my goal weight of 172lbs. As I said earlier, I've been hovering over the 220lbs mark since April. Here's how my weight has played out:
May 7th - 224.5 lbs
May 14th - 223 lbs
May 21st - 220.4 lbs
June 4th - 222 lbs
June 11th - 224.6 lbs
June 18th - 220.8 lbs
June 25th - 221 lbs
July 2nd - 221.2 lbs
July 9th - 219.4 lbs (My first time EVER being below the 220 lb mark in over 10 years!)
July 16th - 220.6 lbs (Right back up there!)
July 23rd - 220.4 lbs
July 30th - 220.8 lbs
August 6th - 222.6 lbs
August 13th - 224.6 lbs
August 20th - 218.4lbs
August 27th - 220 lbs
September 3rd - 223.2 lbs
September 10th - 222.4 lbs
September 18th - 217.8 lbs
September 24th - 219.4 lbs
When it comes to exercise, although I've been doing boot camp, I feel that running had really helped to shape my body. Since I haven't been running, I can really notice a difference in my body shape. My belly is not nearly as tight as it was. I mean I still have/had a "gunt" but it was getting firmer, the area just above it was getting flatter and flatter but over the last couple of months, I've noticed that it seems to be getting softer again and I'm not happy about it. I know the ice cream doesn't/didn't help, but I really believe that the running I was doing was helping to tone this area. Not running consistently for the last 4 months along with eating crap foods has now finally started to show it's evil face. I am truly disappointed in myself for this and am determined to get back on it. A few girls from work have also found the summer to be really hard and they've asked me to start up another 30 day Challenge. It really is quite motivating and keeps you accountable. So, starting October 1st another 30 Day Challenge will commence and I'm super gung ho to get cracking and whipping this body back into some sort of shape! Here are some pics of me back in April at 220.2lbs, and now at 217.8lbs. You can really see a difference in the shape.
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April 2013 - 220lbs |
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September 2013 - 218lbs |
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April 2013 - Belly appears flatter than the September picture |
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September 2013 - Belly's not so flat..... :( |
Keeping in mind I am wearing different underwear in the September pictures (they sit lower on my belly) but still, I can see a big difference in my shape as opposed to 6 months ago where I was a few pounds heavier. It's time to kick it back up. I don't want to be that story where everyone talks about how Shannon lost all this weight and spent so much money on surgery, only to gain it all back. Nope, not gonna be me, I'm turning it around RIGHT now! I'm getting back on the running bandwagon and plan to run 3X a week and bootcamp/strength train 2X a week. Plus whatever sport I happen to be doing at the time (Volleyball starts tomorrow!!!). I've come too far to let it all slip away. I still have 50lbs to lose my friends! I have to pick myself up, dust myself off, and start again. I have to shake it off and come up with a new plan which is to be at my goal weight of 172 lbs by the time I do the Mud Hero Run in July of 2014. That's 10 months away. That's 5lbs a month. It's just going to take a little more discipline and control.
I have a couple of really big life events happening over the next couple of months and I hope the stress of it all won't affect my motivation. I recently bought a house and I'm making a career change for 1 year to actually work at my dream job. All good things, but stressful nonetheless. I have to keep my eye on the prize and keep on trucking no matter what happens :)
A friend of mine from work sent me this picture the other day with the title reading "Hey, remember me?"
Oh yes. I do remember you 300 pound Shannon, but I never want to see you again!
This was me in Vegas :)