Thursday, 8 November 2012

Wow! Already 8 weeks post surgery!

Well, here I am. 8 weeks and 2 days post surgery. I have to say, I'm feeling pretty damn fantastic :) I have been getting more and more compliments these days. Actually, just a few days ago, I had 4 different people tell me how much they can see the weight loss in my face. All I can do is say thank you and smile. Deep down I want to jump up and down and hug each one of em! I seriously makes me beam with excitement.

I had my first fill back on the 26th of October. That was an interesting experience. My nurse and I chatted for about 20 minutes about how things have been going for me, how I've been eating, etc. And things were/are going great. Haven't had many instances where I felt like choking/vomittin, haven't had any heartburn, etc. I was down to 257.6lbs according to my scale that previous Tuesday and when I got on her scale, it said the exact same thing. So, I was officially down 34.4lbs that week. Awesome! Terri said I was "kicking this!" That felt fantastic! haha! So, based on what I was telling her and how I was feeling, Terri was convinced that I already had a good 2-3mls in my band so she decided to only add 1 more ml. I laid on the bed, and she asked if I wanted a little numbing cream. Nah I said, it's just a little poke. So, I laid there while she felt around my largest incision to find the access port. I had to elevate my head slightly to flex my muscle to pop it up. And voila! There it was. She commented to me twice that I had really good muscle (that made me feel awesome!). So, she placed her fingers on my skin, at either edge of the port and put the needle in. That was actually no problem, felt like any other needle you might get when you need to give blood. But then, she had to make sure she was in so she had to fish around for a little bit. Sounds worse than it actually was. She talked to me the whole time and told me everything she was doing. Then, she was in the right spot and she injected the 1ml. No problem. But then, she withdraws on the plunger of the syringe to see how much fluid total was now in the band. As she was pulling back, that was the weirdest feeling ever. I could almost feel my stomach relaxing. So weird. When she got all the fluid into the syringe, it confirmed what she had thought. I already had 3mls in there, now with this additional ml, I now have 4mls in my band. Then she had to remove the needle. That by far was the most uncomfortable part of the whole process. It hurt. Quite a bit. But then it was done. I held some gauze on the little wee hole and sat up. No problem. We went back to the office and she showed me the model of the band and the port and she actually let me pretend to inject into it. It is much harder than that of say an IV port on IV fluids. No wonder it hurt coming out. You have to use a lot of force! I was to stay on liquids for the next 12 hours, than slowly work my way back to solids over the next 48 hours.

Since my appointment was at 4:30pm that night, I got home and didn't need to eat anything. I drank some water throughout the evening but that was it. Then, Saturday rolled around and I was out and about all day, barely had time to eat anyway. I think I had something small, that was a solid food, and it seemed to go down fine. Woo hoo! Success! That evening, I went to a Halloween social and drank vodka and light cranberry juice and water. It was very very tasty, and I got a little drunk. Ok, a lot drunk. haha. But I had a fantastic time dancing the night away. I really felt good about myself that night, I felt I looked really good in my costume too. The next day when all the pictures came out, I got nothing but compliments on how good I looked. I felt good, really really good.

By the Sunday I was back to solids but I was (and still) having a hard time remembering to take small bites and chew, chew, chew my food. Over the next week and a half until today, I have had numerous episodes where I've taken on too big a piece of food and haven't chewed it well enough and it has gotten stuck. Not a cool feeling. I'm still working on it. I've also had quite a bit of heartburn over the last week and a half. I think it's from ingesting too much food. You wouldn't think an extra ml of fluid would have such a big impact, but it sure does! So, I'm reminded often to slow down, take small bites, chew my food to mush, and eat small amounts. I'm going to give it another 2 weeks to see if I can get used to it. If I can't, and I'm still struggling, I might have to ask to take some of it out. I don't want to do that, but I may have to if I can't get a hold of this. The perfect band fluid amount should cause no pain, pressure or discomfort when eating. And I sometimes have all 3 of these. So, I need to work on it. Is it just me, or is it too much? I have to figure this out.

As for weight loss, last week, October 30th, I weighed in at 252.6! That was a loss of 5lbs from the week before! Woo hoo! Wholy crap!

This week, however was a bit of a different story, I weighed in on November 6th with a weight of 251.8, a loss of only 0.8lbs. But, it's still a loss! I am now officially down 40.2lbs in the last 10 weeks!

I know last week I wasn't doing good. I wasn't eating appropriately (ie: protein with every meal, protein first, etc). So, I've smartened up and am hoping to have a good number on that scale this coming Tuesday. I can't wait to be in the 240's! That was one of my first goals. To be under 250, in the bottom half of the 200's! So pumped! I got on the scale this morning, cheatin because weigh in day isn't until Tuesday, and the scale said 249.6. OMG! I may make it there with this week's weigh in!

Oh, more news! I started bootcamp this passed Tuesday (finally! I was so sick the week before and couldn't start when I wanted too.). I can definitely tell I've been away from it for a while, but the next day, I loved that feeling of sore muscles! I can't wait to go again. However, it won't be this week (bootcamp is Tuesdays and Fridays). I got 2 new tattoos on Tuesday! Woo hoo! So, it is recommended to stay away from working out for at least 1 week. So, back at er on Tuesday!

My tattoos rock! I got my daughter's name on my forearm "Rylee" and my sister and I got matching script saying "Always my Sister, Forever my Friend". Mine on my foot, and hers on her forearm. They are awesome. The foot hurt like nobody's business!

These days I've been feeling really good about myself and I seem to be more confident and happy. And I like it :) I like it a lot.

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